Logo, Cap Parlier - Historical Novels

Logo, CAP


To So Few - Victory

The eleventh book of the TO SO FEW series of historical novels.

                  A NOVEL OF Courage by Cap Parlier.  Victory is the eleventh book of Cap Parlier’s To So Few series of historical novels.

BRIAN AND HIS brethren dominate the skies above the collapsing German Empire. To an increasing degree, the American fighter pilots support ground operations as the Western Allies cross the Rhine River into the heart of Germany. The Red Army is closing on Berlin from the east. With the Red Army eventually on top of them in Berlin, Hitler commits suicide with his mistress Eva Braun. Germany surrenders unconditionally to the Allies as the war in Europe ends. Brian and the 334th Fighter Squadron are ordered to prepare for transfer to the Pacific Theater for continuing combat against Japan. Churchill meets Truman and Stalin at Potsdam, and he learns of the successful U.S. atomic weapons test. Churchill leaves Potsdam for Parliamentary elections and suffers a shocking defeat; he does not return to Potsdam. The Allies issue their ultimatum to Japan. As the Japanese government waivers, President Truman authorizes the use of the newly developed atomic bomb. With his transfer orders pending, Brian and Charlotte prepare for the Pacific Theater as they listen to the end of the war with Japan. Brian meets Churchill again at Chartwell to commiserate about their battles won and lost.

                      SAINT GAUDENS PRESS is an independent, privately owned, small press, publishing both print books and digital books (eBooks). They produce an expanding booklist that includes literary fiction, non-fiction, science fiction and public interest books, sold in all formats through your local bookstore (on order), Amazon.com, Apple iBooks, BN.com, Sony Ebooks, and many other retailers, as well as through the publisher’s website store. Saint Gaudens Press has plans for the near future to further expand their booklist to include romance, fantasy and popular market erotic books. Every person who enjoys a good story and entertaining books should visit the publisher's website by clicking on the publisher's logo. Look for more good books from Saint Gaudens Press in the future. 


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Parlier, Cap. To So Few – Victory.  Solvang, CA: Saint Gaudens Press, 2023.

ISBN: original
print 978-0-943039-67-1
eBook 978-0-943039-68-8

Library of Congress Catalog Number: 2023-935879.


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"To So Few – Victory"

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This page was last modified: 23.January.2024