Logo, Cap Parlier - Historical Novels

Logo, CAP


To So Few - The Verdict

The fifth book of the TO SO FEW series of historical novels.

                       NOVEL OF Courage by Cap Parlier.  The Verdict is the fifth book of Cap Parlier’s To So Few series of historical novels.  Royal Air Force Fighter Command fought mind-numbing fatigue, overwhelming odds and precipitously diminishing numbers in the desperate aerial battle over Southeast England the world called the Battle of Britain. With the Air Defense System of Great Britain rapidly approaching the threshold of ineffectivity, the Germans shift their horrific aerial assault from the airfields and aircraft factories to London and the civilian population. His Majesty’s Government focused upon keeping the Germans from attempting a cross-Channel invasion, keeping the vital Atlantic supply lines open, and encouraging the United States to provide desperately need war material. The miraculous shift of German bombardment targeting, soon to be known as The Blitz, brings breathing room to the nearly expended fighter pilots, and enables precious time for refit and renewal. As German daylight air operations begin to dwindle in favor of night bombing of the cities, Brian Drummond wades into a bad situation to save a comrade during an air raid in the West Country. Brian’s aircraft is seriously damaged. Unable to bailout, he crashes and is seriously injured. After being stabilized in hospital, Brian recovers from his injuries under the care of Charlotte Palmer, as their relationship grows.
                      SAINT GAUDENS PRESS is an independent, privately owned, small press, publishing both print books and digital books (eBooks). They produce an expanding booklist that includes literary fiction, non-fiction, science fiction and public interest books, sold in all formats through your local bookstore (on order), Amazon.com, Apple iBooks, BN.com, Sony Ebooks, and many other retailers, as well as through the publisher’s website store. Saint Gaudens Press has plans for the near future to further expand their booklist to include romance, fantasy and popular market erotic books. Every person who enjoys a good story and entertaining books should visit the publisher's website by clicking on the publisher's logo. Look for more good books from Saint Gaudens Press in the future.


All readers are welcome and encouraged to send along their review of this book – good, bad or ugly.  Cap truly appreciates all constructive criticism.

 Peter Gipson [the first review of The Verdict]:
"The latest in Cap’s stories of the young Kansas airman, who has underage, left the USA via Canada to follow his dream to fly with the Royal Air Force in WW.2 subsequently to fight in the Battle of Britain flying the eight gun Spitfire fighters.

"The research that has gone into this series of books is outstanding with accurate accounts of aerial engagements with the Luftwaffe and the progress of the war. The story flows between the involvement of the President of the United States, Mr Churchill and our young pilot’s continuing heroic battles. These accounts are written in a most active and knowledgeable style where the author uses his own experience as an experienced fast jet and helicopter pilot.

"This is a story of war, of love and consequences of both. There is happiness and sadness in equal amounts. I strongly recommend the on-going saga of this young American’s adventure. A good read."


Parlier, Cap. To So Few – The Verdict.  Solvang, CA: Saint Gaudens Press, 2017.

ISBN: original
print: 978-0-943039-41-1
eBook: 978-0-943039-42-8
Kindle: B06Y95D9T6

 Library of Congress Catalog Number: 2017-921242.


To So Few – The Verdict” is available in print and digital forms.  Copies can be ordered from any retailer (brick & mortar, or on-line), using the appropriate ISBN noted above for your desired format.

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"To So Few – The Verdict"

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This page was last modified: 4.January.2019

The fifth book of the TO SO FEW series of historical novels.