Logo, Cap Parlier - Historical Novels

Logo, CAP



Spitfire Enterprises


SPITFIRE ENTERPRISES IS a premier consultancy service created in 2000, specializing in leadership and management challenges as well as aviation engineering from helicopters to mid-size business jets, and from the cockpit to the landing gear.


"Manage Things, Lead People"
-- Admiral Grace Hopper, USN

Admiral Hooper's succinct phrase is perhaps the best description of what leadership is, as well as a clear expression of the relationship a successful business manager or military leader must master.



MANY MANAGERS FAIL to recognize the need -- the requirement -- to nurture people to achieve the objectives of their organization -- business or military. Many people equate leadership with the military. This is a true but unfortunate association. Leadership is about the inspiration of people to achieve the organization's objectives.  Leadership is about people no matter what the mission of the organization.  One of Cap's essays, ELEMENTS OF LEADERSHIP is relevant.



ESSENTIAL MANAGEMENT SKILLS must complement good leadership to be consistently successful in business. These skills include planning, both strategic and tactical, and ideally zero based budgeting where fundamental task definition is resourced with labor, capital, tools, time and consumables, as well as all aspects of financial management.

The key for any successful manager is striking a balance between management and leadership performance.  One without the other will generally not be successful.



USING CAP'S EXPERIENCE as an aviator, engineer, experimental test pilot, and industry executive in the United States, United Kingdom and Italy as well as recognition as a design authority in all three countries, Spitfire Enterprises offers a unique blend of aviation engineering and management services. The umbrella of engineering and management experience covers a broad range of aircraft from light helicopters to mid-size business jets and most vehicles in between the two anchor points.


Pilot Services:

TYPE RATED IN the Hawker 800 (HS-125) and Premier I (RA-390S) {Single Pilot}.  Cap is also certified as a commercial pilot: airplane single and multi-engine land, rotorcraft - helicopter, instruments in both airplanes & helicopters; private pilot: gliders, aero-tow only; certified flight instructor: rotorcraft - helicopter; 51 models of aircraft, and 3,300 total flight time, so far.


Legacy Engineering, LLC:

CAP ALSO DOES technical consulting work for Legacy Engineering, LLC, of Irvine, California.


For information or communications, contact Spitfire Enterprises via the site Contact form.


This page was created 15.September.2000

-- 60 years after the day RAF Fighter Command 

broke the back of the Luftwaffe in the Battle of Britain.


This page was last modified: 27.March.2015