Logo, Cap Parlier - Historical Novels

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The Phoenix Seduction
The screenplay

THE TRANSFORMATION OF Cap's first published novel, The Phoenix Seduction, into the visual format of the screenplay is complete. As many have said, this story will make a great movie. This screenplay attempts to preserve Anod's experience finding what it means to be human on Beta while fitting into the prescribed 90-minute format movie producers want to see. This project needed the contributions of several key, skilled people to make it work. Until this screenplay finds a worthy producer and makes it through the production process to a movie screen near you, we will not know how good it is. Now the really hard work begins . . . finding a producer.

Copyright © 2001, Cap Parlier. All rights reserved.



Contact Cap via the Contact form.


This section was last modified: 14.March.2002




The screenplay

BASED ON THE book Cap co-authored with Kevin Ready, TWA 800 - Accident or Incident?, this screenplay transforms the central hypothesis into an intense, gripping story. Blooming from the tragic accidental shoot down of Iran Air Flight 655 in 1988 and the fertile soil of fundamentalist and extremist hatreds, an operation of retribution is initiated. U.S. Navy Captain Judy Weston, a senior, career, naval intelligence officer, sees signs of a building storm. Weston and her colleagues struggle to place seemingly disassociated facts into a context. As a picture begins to emerge from the haze, Weston suspects malfeasance that solidifies in the shocking events of 17 July 1996. Everyone, from the White House, to law enforcement, to the aviation accident investigators, and of course the intelligence community, work hard to connect the dots, to find the linkage, but the reach never finds sufficient contact to allow action.

Copyright © 2001, Cap Parlier. All rights reserved.



Contact Cap via the Contact form.


This section was last modified: 14.March.2002




The Disappearance
The screenplay

BASED ON THE Philip Wylie's 1951 novel, The Disappearance transforms the written word into the visual medium of movies or television. Can you imagine what life would be like if at the exact same instant in time, the World split into two parallel worlds -- 4:04:52 PM, Tuesday, 14.February.1950 -- to the males, all the females disappear; to the females, all the males disappear; and, nothing else is altered or affected. How different would life be?  Just imagine? . . . an airplane without a pilot, a car without a driver, a mother without her infant son at her breast, a couple in the throes of passion without the partner.  Normal routines and events of life become monumental obstacles and challenges in the aftermath of that instant.

THIS STORY TAKES Paula and Bill Gaunt through the crises of survival and adjustment to the realization that all life is interdependent. Each world deals with the trials of life in wildly different ways, and yet they independently arrive at the same point. They are halves of the same whole. In a rich and fantastic story that makes you think about the essence of relationships, we can rejoice in what it means to be human.




Contact Cap via the Contact form.


This section was last modified: 1.January.2007